
Buscando una casa de familia en Victoria


My name is Gloria, and my dear friend Laura. I am Ricardo's mom.And Laura is Santiago's mom.
We are reaching out to fellow Canadian families in search of a welcoming home for Ricardo and his dear friend Santiago as they embark on their college journey at Camosun College Interurban Campus in British Columbia.

About Ricardo and Santiago:

Ricardo and Santiago, lifelong friends from Mexico City, are both 19 years old and embarking on their college adventure together. Ricardo recently spent a transformative school year mi pagina de contacto in Pemberton, BC, while Santiago had an enriching six-month stay in Cambridge. Their shared love for adventure, learning, and exploration has brought them even closer, and they are excited to continue their journey at Camosun College.

What We're Looking For:

- Location: We are seeking a home close to Camosun College Interurban Campus to ensure easy access to campus and the surrounding amenities. Proximity to public transportation is a plus.
- Accommodation: A comfortable and safe living space is essential. Private bedrooms for Ricardo and Santiago would provide them with the privacy they need to focus on their studies and unwind after a busy day.

- Family Environment: As a host family, we hope to find individuals who can offer a supportive and nurturing environment for Ricardo and Santiago. They value warmth, respect, and open communication and are excited about the opportunity to become part of a new family while away from home.

- Non-Smoking Environment: Ricardo and Santiago do not smoke, so a smoke-free environment is preferred.

- Shared Interests: Both Ricardo and Santiago are passionate about staying active and love outdoor activities, particularly skiing. A family that shares these interests or is open to exploring them together would be wonderful.

If you believe your family could provide a welcoming and supportive home for Ricardo and Santiago, we would love to hear from you. Your kindness and hospitality would mean the world to us as they navigate this new chapter of their lives.

Thank you for considering opening your home to Ricardo and Santiago.
We look forward to the possibility of becoming part of your family and creating lasting memories together.

Warm regards,

Ricardo & Santiago's Moms

- Gloria

Fechas solicitadas Presupuesto mensual Perfil
martes 27 ago a viernes 27 dic (4 meses) $1200 CAD
Comidas solicitadas: Desayuno, Almuerzo, Cena
No Fuma
Solicitando recogida en el aeropuerto
Propósito del viaje: estudiará (CAMOSUN COLLEGE INTERURBAN CAMPUS)
Entre 18 y 20 años años
¿Este invitado no es el adecuado para tu hogar? Ver más huéspedes que buscan una casa de familia en Victoria.